Have you been putting off rest?
I know I tend to do so when there’s just too much to do. But I recently recorded a podcast with a guest who emphasized the importance of rest. Of course, I know that rest is important but it was the way she framed its necessity that struck something in me.
I realize that as a “doer” it’s hard to rest. And if I had an honest pep talk with myself, it’s not that there is no room for it, but I just have a plain ol’ hard time doing it.
I decided to make a change. During these summer months, I plan to engage in more rest- GUILT FREE. See the blessing of being someone who is productive is that you get ISH done! The opposite side is that you tend to take mini guilt trips for NOT getting things done. Guess what- there’s always going to be things to do and if you’re anything like me, you’ll find things to do even when there is nothing to do. 😳
So, to combat this- I’ve created an action plan! Once a day, I will put my feet up and I mean, literally. Whether it’s making a commitment to engage in ‘legs up the wall’ or just laying down with my eyes closed for a few minutes.
This will help me reset and recenter my intentions for the day and be able to accomplish what I want without having to feel drained.
So far, I’m on Day 2 of this science experiment and I’ve already seen a huge difference.
Here are some resources to help you do the same:
Sacred Rest by: Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
The Power of Rest by: Dr. Matthew Edlund
Restorative Yoga Poses:
So remember, when there is nothing to do at the moment, it’s not a trick. It means it’s time for you to re-lax!
Here’s to improving our wellness!